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Best of New Zealand Trip Information

Best of New Zealand
Although only 1,000 miles from the top of the North Island to the tip of the South Island, this small country is a fantastic example of the earth's shaping forces. Known for subtropical climates, beaches, mountains, glaciers, and all; no stay in New Zealand is too long, and one visit is just not enough. Spend 4 nights in Queenstown, 3 nights in Christchurch, 2 nights in Rotorua, and 3 nights in Auckland. Price is per person based on double occuapncy and includes roundtrip air from Los Angeles,and 12 night accommodations. Ask about our air add-on specials and other great New Zealand packages! Please hit "GO" below for more information.
Destination: New Zealand
Price: $1899
Trips available from 4/29/2003  until 8/29/2003.
Air Add-ons:
Los Angeles, CA  Price: $0  
If you would like a price from another origin, please let us know.
I'm interested    or call (765)414-4119
Group Travel: 118 Andrew Street - West Lafayette, Indiana, 47906 - (765)414-4119
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